Deutscher Zahnärztetag 2019 - Live-OPs


Was ist gesund? Der Holobiont Mensch und das biologische Gleichgewicht

Prof. Dr. Iain L. C. Chapple

Samstag, 09.11.2019 von 09:05 bis 09:45 Uhr
Saal Harmonie

This presentation will deal with "periodontology through the ages" starting with the microbiologists viewpoint, moving to the immunologists stance and ultimately to that of the modern day. It will take delegates on a journey from history to contemporary thinking in periodontal research, with a focus on humans as holobionts and the balance between living with our healthy bacteria this balance can go wrong. It will discuss how dysbiosis can result from our immune response, but also how dysbiosis can drive an unbalanced immune response in a circular relationship: which comes first the chicken or the egg? The presentation will evolve to demonstrate how bacteraemia can drive a destructive immune response, which can in turn drive systemic diseases, thereby putting the mouth firmly into the rest of the body. Video-Interview mit Prof. Iain Chapple auf der EuroPerio 2018 in Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. Iain L. C. Chapple
The University of Birmingham, Großbritannien
Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH  ·  Ifenpfad 2-4  ·  12107 Berlin  ·  Tel.: 030/76180-5  ·  E-Mail: